Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ideas for Final Paper

For my final paper I'm going to continue my discussion on interest as a state of mind. I'm going to pull various examples from my last paper on the Female Quixote to demonstrate how interest is a valuable commodity that can be traded, invested, used to purchase things, etc. I will expand upon these ideas and better explain what the interest of the characters actually is. Mr. Glanville is interested in Arabella for marriage. I need to elaborate on how this interest motivates him and drives him to certain actions.

I will then relate the drive that pushes people towards their interests to what I talked about in my oral presentation. I will continue to explore The Wealth of Nations and talk about the explicit economic sides of interest. I will try to focus on how people exchange interest in each other with each other. This idea of the exchange ties back to interest as a currency. I will again show how interest is invested in other people in the hopes that those people will return the interest. This idea come from Adam Smith's quote "It is the vanity, not the ease or the pleasure, which interests us. But vanity is always founded upon the belief of our being the object of attention and approbation" (Smith 512).

I would like to tie in that whether interest is positive or not relies on the consequences of seeking the interests. I would also like to compare the pursuit of interests to the pursuit of happiness. These ideas may be too broad to fit my thesis.

I want to improve the level at which I use literary evidence and the depth of the analysis of these passages. I would like to, if possible, analyze syntax to get an even deeper understanding of what the authors are writing. 

I will integrate what I have found from the OED as well as the Mind is a Metaphor database. I will quote these more extensively and provide more in depth analysis of what these sources offer. 

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