Monday, October 14, 2013

Are Attention and Distraction Inseparable?

What does distraction look like in Tristram Shandy and the picture by Hogarth?

"I find it necessary to consult every one a little in his turn; and therefore must beg pardon for going on a little further in the same way: For which cause, right glad I am, that I have begun the history of myself in the way I have done; and that I am able to go on tracing every thing in it" (Sterne 4).

The picture "Gin Lane" by Hogarth

We see a duality of attraction and distraction early on in Tristram Shandy's narrative of his life. He pays close attention to every detail to the point that he gets distracted from the narrative of his life by describing everyone that played a part somehow in his birth. He believes it is necessary to write this way because he can't help but follow the meanderings of his mind on each subject like the parson, midwife, the marriage document, etc.

Gin Lane shows distraction in a different light. The lady sitting on the stairs is so occupied by the thing her hands that she is unaware of the child falling over the railing. Again we see an example of distraction caused by attention being focused on something other than what the person is distracted from.

Are attention and distraction inseparable?

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